Women's rights have been eliminated or eroded in New Zealand due the conflation of 'gender identity' with biological sex.
Most of these rights were taken by stealth as ‘gender’ replaced ‘sex’ in press council guidelines, sporting guidelines, government style guides and Acts. Government departments and ministries signed up to gender identity ideology audits, or influenced by special interest lobby groups to introduce Self-Id into legislation.
These rights were lost with little to no inclusion of all stakeholders; women, parents or homosexuals participating,
or public discussion as a well-functioning and transparent democracy should warrant.
single sex space
We lost the right of women to disallow males in single-sex spaces for women and girls; toilets and changing rooms, single-sex accommodations for females in hospitals, refuges, camps, shelters, rape crisis services, support groups, prisons or any organizations that were formerly for females only.
Data Falsification
We lost the right to have male crime recorded and reported as male crime, and the removal of the right of journalists to report the sex, and history, of subjects, leading to the false report of female committed crimes.
Eliminating data collection of sex-based inequalities in areas where females are underrepresented.