Rights of the Mother and Father
Biological sex is referred to as a "construction" not a material reality. The "construction" of it can be considered as something that can be measured over time. It conflates the physical conditions of those born with DSD's - Differences in Sexual Development - with such construction.
Details regarding "Variations in puberty" is not specified which may cover a wide range of topics - some relevant - some not. The SOLE aspect which must be discussed is: "the role of puberty blockers".
Puberty blockers are an off-label medical treatment for children that has no long-term clinical evidence of benefit for minors. NZ Ministry of Health quietly removed the reference to "safe and fully reversible" on its website.
However, this universal directive to include this medication discussion with ALL STUDENTS IN NZ remains in the curriculum.
Note: NZ Ministry of Health follows the activist based WPATH guidelines in regards to heathcare. Sweden, who has conducted a full scientific evidence review has withdrawn the use of puberty blockers as a treatment for minors, unless in a research condition.
The "explore what “male” and “female” mean in relation to various living things, for example, plants, sea creatures, and fungi." is a interesting one, given this curriculum is about relationships and sexuality for humans. It does, however, allow for introduction of organisms that for reproductive purposes can play both the female/male roles within one organism. Such as clownfish, some fungi and sea sponges. This may be interpreted by students as a sound basis for humans being able to change sex. It is not.
Discussing the use of use of gendered or non-gendered pronouns across different languages, is not likely to be a language discussion, but an introduction to the idea of personally dictated pronouns. Whether this means that pronouns based on identifying the sex of a person will be considered obsolete, is not clear, as both lesson materials and delivery are variable and are not able to be assessed in a comprehensive way.
This example shows how the lack of full curriculum materials makes parental oversight and critique very difficult, unless it is done on a one-by-one basis.
Mums & Dads have no parental rights if schools choose to socially &/or medically transition their child.
Sexual Orientation & Gender Identity Ideology Policies and Procedures
Many parents are unaware of how curriculums are delivered in NZ schools.
TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi - provides curriculum guides from Early Childhood, through Primary and to the final years Secondary Schools.
Educational providers can download and use Ministry of Education resources when available, or create their own teaching materials as long as they meet the curriculum guidelines. Unless specifically reviewed, these materials are not subjected to automatic scrutiny for adherence or quality. Teaching resources and materials can also be sourced from third-party providers. The same oversight (or lack of) remains.
TKI - Te Kete Ipurangi created a new addition to the NZ curriculum in 2020: The Relationship, Sexuality & Education guidelines.
Viewing and Downloads available here:
The uncritical inclusion of gender identity ideology regarding the importance of discussing and accepting the concept of an innate gender identity plays a large part in these guidance documents. Although parents can withdraw their children from specific Relationship & Sexuality classes, this is an ineffective option as the decision has been made to take a whole school approach to delivery, meaning that material is delivered in all subjects within the school curriculum. Excerpts below show the inclusion of concepts within Science and Language.

RESIST GENDER EDUCATION - NZ Educational Resources, Support and Organisation
This organisation was formed by a group of educators concerned by the changes and additions to the NZ curriculum, that are not considered in terms of accuracy, suitability or safeguarding principles.
They provide a wealth of material online for parents and educators, including the impact of current Ministry of Education guidelines in the FAQ:
How do gender identity beliefs affect NZ schools?
The Ministry of Education published the updated Relationship and Sexuality Education Guidelines (RSE) in September 2020 which is heavily supportive of gender identity thinking. Our critique of the Guidelines is here.
Schools are required to consult their community on the contents of sexuality education and parents retain the right to withdraw their children from these lessons. However, parents are often unaware of the incidental discussion of trans beliefs in everyday classroom conversations. Advice on how to communicate with your school on this issue is here.
In the name of being inclusive and kind, schools and other students feel they must use new names and pronouns (see below) for transgender children and must provide special facilities for them. The RSE guidelines direct schools to allow students to use the facilities “of the gender identity they are most comfortable with” and students are often not consulted or are pressured into agreeing with that policy.
The RSE guide encourages schools to support a child’s social transition (see below) without mentioning the need to consult parents. Under the Education Act, principals are expected to inform parents of any matters that in the principal’s opinion “are preventing or slowing the student’s progress... (or) harming the student’s relationships with teachers or other students.” This expectation is entirely dependent on the principal’s opinion and there is no case law to clarify the extent or limits of the principal’s decision. If the principal is fully supportive of organisations like InsideOUT and follows its advice, parents will not be informed.
Some parents of trans children are not informing the school of their child’s transition and the Human Rights Commission recommends that, if known, schools keep the transition a secret from other parents. This removes the right of other parents to know who their child shares space with in school changing rooms and on school camps.
Rainbow organisations with good funding have been able to influence LGBTQ education in schools in many Western countries, including NZ. Under the guise of anti-bullying programmes, many schools contract out to activist groups to provide sex education that confuses children about biological reality and can persuade them to claim a gender identity.
Support groups for lesbians and gays in schools are disappearing in favour of transgender support. It has become ‘uncool’ to be lesbian and the attention and compassion for the rainbow community is now mostly reserved for those with a trans identity.
In the past, children who were gay or lesbian were often bullied. Now it is becoming common for children to be bullied for not being ‘queer’. Some children have discovered that adopting a non-binary persona is a necessary safeguard.
Ani O'Brien recognised that not only was the creation of the Relationship & Sexuality Education guide presented in full without public discussion, that the content of materials and delivery also avoided outside scrutiny. While parents could request copies materials from their children's schools for review, this request was more likely to be complicated when either materials and/or delivery was provided by third parties.
As a journalist and broadcaster she sought to determine the answer to this question, and the scope of third party providers. This data is not held by the Ministry of Education. So the only way to collate this data is by receiving the information from every individual school in New Zealand.
Within hours of her request being sent, recommended third party provider - InsideOUT - had produced and promoted a standardised response that schools could use to refuse or delay having to provide the materials.
Within the following month - InsideOUT - announced the production of new curriculum materials.
This additional guidance: Frequently Queried Topics - Years 1-8 includes promotion of the use of third party materials and resources. A pornography unit for older students was created, that can be accessed here. The approach seems to be: given that many students will have had contact with pornography, let's not make them feel bad about it.
There is a stated assumption that pornography that is available and accessed is not violent, degrading or exploitative, and that any reference to this is now "irrelevant":

Parents will have to visit the recommended provider and resources to find out that it is recommended that children be able to socially transition at school without the parent's awareness.
Students are also encouraged to use specified personal pronouns for other students, instead of being able to retain the use of sexed based pronouns. This is compelled speech.
Schools are also advised when considering single-sex spaces and provisions, that declared gender-identity is considered as a biological sex. This effects school toileting and changing facilities, overnight trips and sports. This recommendation ignores the safeguarding risk assessments based on facts, in favour of an undefined notion of self.
The proliferation of rainbow organisations and the amount of funding available to these organisations through grants, provision of materials means they are often promoted as being the first port of call for young people and families who want support or answers.
What they are provided are affirmation-only responses, and information on how to access transition (including medical and surgical) with OR without parental consent.