This is a resource page for writing your submission, letter of concern regarding the Births, Deaths and Marriages Registration Bill, Page 23, '3930'. It includes rebuttals to a number of falsehoods, myths and misrepresentations Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Women, Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence, Shannon Fentiman stated on December 2, 2022: p3932.
Links to videos and FAQ links.
Statement Rebuttals
Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Women, Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence stated on 2.12.2022: p3932
"We know that these reforms will not be a panacea to the issues that trans and gender diverse people face, but they are an important step to ensuring every Queenslander can live authentically. However, it is an unfortunate fact that, through this debate, there will be members of the community who will seek to denigrate trans people’s lives and identities by making ludicrous claims about how people will be able to identify. No-one who engages in this process will do so lightly. It is a deeply personal process and decision which must be respected. ¹ We also know that some groups will try to cloak their transphobia in the guise of women’s safety— making claims about trans women accessing women’s spaces, including change rooms or even domestic violence shelters. I want to be clear: there is no evidence, domestically or internationally, to support these outrageous claims. ² "
1. "No-one who engages in this process will do so lightly. It is a deeply personal process and decision which must be respected."
Reply: For most youth gender identity is transitory
A review of 10 studies by Ristori and Steensma found that 61% - 98% of children diagnosed with gender dysphoria (GD) desisted (did not continue to experience dysphoria at follow-up): “The conclusion of these studies is that childhood GD is strongly associated with lesbian, gay or bisexual outcomes and that for the majority of the children...the gender dysphoric feelings remitted around or after puberty” (Ristori 2016) In other words the majority of youth grew out of their 'gender identity' crisis, a law shouldn't lock a youth into the a legal fiction that they are the opposite sex when identity and personality is in a state of flux during the turbulent adolescence years of exploration and self-discovery.
Reply: Studies show we need to go beyond the assumption that all gender dysphoria must be understood solely in terms of a private and immutable ‘gender identity’.
In just seven years, there has been a nearly 4,000% increase in children seeking treatment for sexual identity confusion in the United Kingdom. One study showed that when a teen announces a transgender identity to their peer group, the number of friends who also became transgender-identified was 3.5 per group. The exponential surge and demographic flip in teenage trans identification shows the influence of network dynamics.
2. "I want to be clear: there is no evidence, domestically or internationally, to support these outrageous claims."
Reply: Transgender identified males commit or are charged at higher rates than both women and the general male population in relation to sexual offences.
On 30.6.2022 there were 13 males who self-identified as transgender in prison for the most serious charge or conviction of aggravated sexual assault out of a total of 63 (20.6%).
This compares to 16 women (which may include males who have had their birth certificates changed under the current processes) out of a total of 852 (1.9% of total).
This means that the sexual offending of the small male self-identified transgender population in Queensland almost matches the sexual offending of all Queensland women. Alternatively, adding the sexual offending of the self identified transgender population of Queensland will almost double ‘female’ sexual offending in Queensland.
Similarly, of 8459 males in the male prison estate on 30.6.2022, 1100 were held on the most serious charge/conviction of aggravated sexual assault, 13%. On that same date, 13/63 male self-identified transgender prisoners were held on the same charge/conviction, which is 20.6%.
This pattern is not reserved only to 2022. In every year, the rate of males who self-identify as transgender held in Queensland prisons far exceeds what one should expect from a cohort of individuals who are women when compared to female offending data.
Reply: Males commit the vast majority of crimes in Queensland (and this is mirrored internationally).
This is supported by data provided by Queensland Corrective Services via Right to Information requests detailing prison populations from 2013-2022, and aligns with findings internationally. The breakdown of crime by sex is generally about 90:10. In relation to sexual offences, this is greater. As a base point for safeguarding, women only spaces were created and remain essential as a form of safeguarding women and girls when they are in states of undress or otherwise vulnerable. It must be recognised however that single sex spaces for women do not only exist due to safety considerations.
RTIs 211200 and 23097 support
Reply: When it comes to criminal offending, ‘trans women’ are not women and ‘trans men’ are not men.
The offending patterns within the self-identified transgender population in Queensland from 2013-2022 shows a clear pattern where males are charged or convicted of crimes at a far higher rate than females, mirroring what we already know about male pattern violence and criminality.
In all years from 2013-2022 there was a maximum of one trans identified female in Queensland prisons on 30 June. In 7 of those 10 years, there were zero trans identified females in Queensland prisons on 30 June. This is in stark contrast to males who self-identify as transgender, as, In every year, the number of males who self-identified as transgender far exceeded this, ranging from a high of 63 in 2022 to a low of 16 in 2014.
Attorney General, Minister for Justice, Minister for Women, Minister for Prevention of Domestic and Family Violence stated on 2.12.2022: p3932
"At its core, this legislation is about strengthened legal recognition of trans and gender diverse Queenslanders. I encourage members of this House to meet with trans and gender diverse constituents to hear firsthand what these changes will mean, to reflect on the importance of having your birth certificate reflect your identity—something that many of us have never had to do before.³
Reply: A birth certificate is a legal record of where one is born, who are one's biological parents and one's sex; male or female. It is not a document to support a subjective internal feeling of 'gender identity'. Nor is it a document that identifies one as conforming to male or female gender stereotypes. It is simply a factual record. There are no humans who are not either male or female. It is an ideological exercise to want a document to provide validation for being a sex one is not, or being a 'third' sex such as 'non-binary' (being neither male or female). As there is no test to establish if one is 'non-binary', or for that matter; 'genderqueer', or 'transgender', particularly as one's personal sense of self, one's personality changes throughout one's lifetime. Reasons other than sex, birth location and parents aren't fit for the purpose of providing a legal identity.