Women's rights have been eliminated or eroded in Australia
due to SELF-ID LAWS where men identifying as women remove all our rights we fought so hard for.
Originally most of these rights were taken by stealth as ‘gender’ replaced ‘sex’ in press council guidelines, sporting guidelines, government style guides and Acts. Or as federal, state, and local governments signed up to gender identity ideology audits, or influenced by special interest lobby groups (ACON, Rainbow Health Australia, Rainbow Families etc.) and, or States introduced Self-Id into legislation.
These rights were lost with little to no inclusion of all stakeholders; women, parents or homosexuals participating, or public discussion as a Democracy should warrant.
Gender vs Sex
Join this landmark fight to
reclaim sex based rights and protections
for all women and girls
Tickle v Giggle
We can have no rights for women if “woman” is not clearly defined in law. There needs to be clear definitions of homosexuality, heterosexuality, bisexuality, woman, and man, that are not tautological in logic but based on scientific evidence not subjective, unverifiable feelings.
The word ‘gender’ needs to be replaced with the word ‘sex’ in the anti-discrimination act, and that sex is not conflated with ‘gender identity’ in law.
A statutory provision to declare that sex is the paramount protected characteristic and a halt to the presumption that ‘gender identity’ is paramount and displaces the protected characteristic of sex.
A statutory provision for funding, services and spaces that are provided for women be on the basis of their sex.
Definitions in Law
Sex Not Gender
Sex Protected
Gender vs Sex
Join this landmark fight to
reclaim sex based rights and protections
for all women and girls
Tickle v Giggle